Tag Archives: pasta


finals are always killer, but especially this time around. They also are pretty bad for your healthy food intake. I always spend way more on take out during finals than any other time of the year.

In any case, I’ve finally settled in to my summer internship and I am semi-ready to get back on the culinary horse (so to speak).

sort of.

The Laziest Pasta

  • pasta of your choice
  • 1/2 onion
  • 1tbs yogurt (i like greek!)
  • drizzle of olive oil
  • lemon juice
  • extras: feta, pimento roja, whatever

this can be made with tons of variations, but basically it goes like this –

boil the pasta per the directions on the box. cook the onions over a low heat until they are soft and tasty. while the pasta is hot, put everything into a bowl. Mix it up


Okay so this isn’t haute cuisine, but it’s easy and it only takes 20 minutes or so.

And there are tons of variations:

add butter instead of olive oil. use garlic instead of onions. add lots of vegetables. skip the yogurt, throw in whatever you have in the fridge


guys this dish is turned out non-photogenic so here is a picture of my cat.

I have a backlog of posts that I’ll try to get to in the next week or so – if anyone is even reading

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