experimental onions

I’ve been cooking lots of onions recently.

I’ve been extremely tired (I’m working lots of hours) and when I get home and finally finish all my work, there’s not much I want to do besides flop down on the couch and watch Community. It’s been a challenging summer.

But y’know, food is important. And we don’t have a blender, so I actually have to do more than dump a bunch of fruit and veggies into it.

So I’ve tried lots of things, some of which I’ve posted about (see: Curry) but mostly they waste away in my recipe file (see: flopping down on the couch).

A few weeks ago I made some fajitas that turned out really well; before that there were various pasta dishes. Recently there was a not-so-magic curry that I can’t bring myself to eat.

The common factor here is onions. Mostly yellow onions, mostly sautéed. Even within that narrow category I’ve found endless variations.

In case it wasn’t obvious, let me tell you: I love onions. I know a lot of people don’t, including the fastidious Dmitry (“It’s not that I don’t like them, I just don’t understand why you use so many“)

Those people tend to be sad with my cooking.

In any case, in today’s experiment, I made caramelized onions. I have a lot of trouble with these, partly because I’m impatient and get tired of waiting on them, and partly because I actually like the crispy burnt ones. However today I managed to stand around in the kitchen for a while, patiently stirring them over a medium heat (probably because I’ve been so tired).

They turned out well. I did a little experimenting (adding butter, adding sugar) and the result was very tasty, but very rich. Almost too rich. Next time – less sugar, maybe only 1/3 tsp or less. I think they needed to be cooked longer as well to brown them more, but at that point I was too hungry to wait.

In the end, I just put them over some plain pasta with a little salt.

I ate it with sparkling water while watching community on the couch.

And you know what? It was delicious.

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