recipes for change

I have recently become unattached, i.e. single. It’s for the best, and I feel pretty good about it as a whole, but there were still a few difficult days.

Behold, my patened coping process

Okay this part is important: first wallow for a few days. watch lots of movies.

THEN one morning you will wake up and feel less bad. At that point decide to do some metaphorical ball-grabbing, so sit up and:

  • Go on a cleaning spree. Do all that laundry, wash the dishes, mop the floors!
  • Meet up with your girlfriends! MOST IMPORTANT and you know, branch out too. meet new people.
  • Make upbeat playlist while riding the metro (and/or cry a little)
  • Go shopping – by ridiculous, fun things
  • Then, make brownies.

When I first started baking (I mean, seriously baking, not just making weird mint cupcakes when I was ten) the first thing I made was Betty Crocker’s Chocolate chip cookies. Then I flipped a little further in the book to her brownies.

The first ones I made were utterly terrible. They didn’t even have chocolate in them, just cocoa powder. However Betty included a second recipe a few pages later, and it is this recipe that I regularly turn to. None of the other recipes I try have come close to this one, but fair warning – it’s not for the faint of heart (or waist). But you know – sometimes you just need to suck it up and eat some brownies.

Unfortunately, I am not able to bake these from scratch… and normally I’m not a big fan of box mixes but as far as they go, Betty Crocker’s Deluxe brownies are pretty dang tasty.

I was going to give you my recipe for Much Better Brownies but I realized that like a fool, I left my recipe notebook at home. But I’ll post it another time. I know the method, but I’m a little shakey on the quantities and I don’t want to give anyone a faulty recipe.

post-script: just because you feel okay for a day doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be on your guard for sad feelings. They can still sneak up on you!

Yeah they did.

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